East Genomics

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Project resources and outputs

On this page you can find links to resources and outputs generated by our East Genomic Medicine Service Alliance (GMSA) transformation projects. Please note the 'Useful links' which relate to specific projects and conditions.

Little Book of Genomic Testing

Little Book of Genomic Testing
NHS East Genomics 'Little Book of Genomic Testing'

Our small A6 booklet (a little bigger than a credit card) is your handy one-stop shop for all things genomics.

It's got links to sources of education and training, information and documentation on requesting genomic testing, key contacts within Clinical Genetics Services and Genomic Laboratories within our region, sources of information and support for patients, and more.

You can download a pdf copy below, or contact our Communications Lead Ian Kingsbury to discuss ordering hard copies for yourself and NHS colleagues.

You can see all of our GMSA Transformation projects here.

Genomics BITEs

Since February 2023 we have run a 'lunch and learn' style series of education and training events for healthcare staff which we called our Genomics BITE series.

Usually lasting around an hour, the sessions are intended as an introductory, bite-sized overview of genomics / genetic testing as it relates to a particular specialty/pathway, condition or staff group.

You can watch our previous BITE sessions below:

Kidney/Renal Genomics (February 2023)
Lynch Syndrome (April 2023)
Monogenic Diabetes (MODY) (May 2023)
Paediatric Genomic Practitioners (June 2023)
Generation Study (Newborn Genomes Programme) (July 2023)
R21 (Prenatal exome sequencing) (September 2023)
Cancer Genomics and United Against Prostate Cancer project (November 2023)
R445 Testing Pathway: Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) for previous trisomies (March 2024)
Pharmacogenomic testing prior to aminoglycoside use (April 2024)
Supporting people with Lynch Syndrome and Rare and Inherited Conditions (May 2024)
Sudden Cardiac Death and Inherited Cardiac Conditions Service (June 2024)