East Genomics

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For CUH clinicians ordering tests in Epic

Epic ordering for Genomics tests is now available.

  1. Tests should always be ordered using Epic ordering
  2. The laboratory does not check outstanding order lists and does not chase samples. Please avoid unnecessary delays or disappointment by ensuring the laboratory receives an Epic order and a sample to enable testing to begin.
  3. Orders placed on existing samples that are held in a different laboratory may be significantly delayed or missed

Please note that only the `authorising clinician’ will receive an Epic notification when a report becomes available. The `ordering clinician’ is unlikely to receive a notification. Therefore, please can `authorising clinicians’ forward their genomic test result notifications to `ordering clinicians’ where appropriate.

Results will be available in the 'labs' rather than the 'media' tab.

Genomics Epic order codes

Clinicians using Epic should order tests, ensuring appropriate consent, using the following test codes:

Rare disease clinicians

Code Name Description and use case
Code LAB9519 Name DNA Storage Only Description and use case To be used when testing requirements are not yet decided - this will instruct the Lab to initiate DNA extraction and storage only
Code LAB9956 Name Rare Disease Genomic Testing Description and use case All postnatal testing including WGS and parental testing
Code LAB9500 Name Prenatal Genomic Testing Description and use case Prenatal testing on the fetal specimen e.g. amniotic fluid or CVS
Code LAB9520 Name NIPD Description and use case Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis on maternal peripheral blood
Code LAB9518 Name Pregnancy Loss Genomic Testing Description and use case Testing on pregnancy loss specimens, including first, second or third trimester and still births
Code LAB7298 Name Genomic Test Request on Stored Sample Description and use case Add rare disease genomic tests to samples already processed and stored in the Genomics Laboratory

Haemato-Oncology clinicians

Code Name Description and use case
Code LAB9959 Name Haem-Onc Genomic Testing Description and use case General order where testing requirements are selected via an order question
Code LAB3381 Name JAK2 V617F Mutation Description and use case Specific assay test orders
Code LAB4041 Name Pre Transplant Chimerism Description and use case
Code LAB4055 Name BCR::ABL PCR Description and use case
Code LAB4052 Name Peripheral Blood Chimerism Description and use case
Code LAB4053 Name Bone Marrow Chimerism Description and use case
Code LAB4058 Name Peripheral Blood BCR::ABL1 Quant (p210) Description and use case
Code LAB8586 Name Haem-Onc WGS Germline Sample Sendout Description and use case Use to order germline specimen needed for paired tumour and normal WGS testing
Code LAB9956 Name Rare Disease Genomic Testing Description and use case Must be used for germline confirmation testing of variants discussed at GTAB

Oncology clinicians

Code Name Description and use case
Code LAB8501 Name DPYD Hotspot Description and use case Genetic testing for the common DPYD genetic variants
Code LAB8591 Name Solid Cancer WGS Germline Sample Sendout Description and use case Use to order germline specimen needed for paired tumour and normal WGS testing


Code Name Description and use case
Code LAB8590 Name Solid Cancer WGS Tumour Sample Sendout Description and use case Use for ordering WGS testing on the tumour specimen
Code LAB9518 Name Pregnancy Loss Genomic Testing Description and use case Testing on pregnancy loss specimens, including first, second and third trimester and still births
Code LAB9604 Name Fibroblast Culture and Storage Description and use case For use by Paediatric Histopathology when culture and storage on a pregnancy loss specimen is required. N.B. This procedure code should be ordered at the same time as LAB9518 to ensure standard genomic testing assays are activated e.g. QFPCR