The below forms should be completed for all cancer whole genome sequencing (WGS) tests.
If you have not ordered a whole genome sequence (WGS) test before you should review our further information and find out about the required training.
The test order form and record of discussion forms can be completed electronically or printed and completed by hand. To complete electronically, please download these forms onto your computer and open in Adobe software to enable electronic editing; please use the space bar if you need to leave any boxes blank (e.g. in postcode box).
WGS test order form
The latest national WGS documentation is available on the national resources website: (opens in a new tab)
Order form: NHS England » NHS Genomic Medicine Service test order forms (opens in a new tab)
Record of discussion form
NHS England » NHS Genomic Medicine Service record of discussion form (opens in a new tab)
The record of discussion form has been translated into a number of languages. These are available here.
Patient information leaflets
NHS England » Whole genome sequencing patient information leaflets (opens in a new tab)
Easy read version is also available on this link.
These are also available in various languages and can be accessed here.
Further information on the national genomic research library is below.
Consultee declaration form
If the person completing the WGS record of discussion form is a relative, friend or advocate on behalf of someone who lacks capacity to make the decision about genomic testing, they also need to complete a consultee declaration form. This enables the patient to participate in the national genomic research library (NGRL)
NHS England » NHS Genomic Medicine Service genomic consultee declaration (opens in a new tab)
Young assent form
If the patient is between 6 and 15 years of age, they should complete the Young Assent form to show they have been informed about their involvement in the NGRL.
Withdrawal from NGRL form
This form is available from the useful participant forms on the Genomics England website.
Support and resources | Genomics England (opens in a new tab)