If you know which test you want to order and how to order it, please select the relevant test for all the necessary forms you will need.
Rare diseases (Non-WGS)
Request tests for rare and inherited diseases where whole genome sequencing is not required
Haematological malignancy (Non-WGS)
Request tests for haematological malignancies where whole genome sequencing is not required
Solid tumour cancers (Non-WGS)
Request tests for solid tumour cancers where whole genome sequencing is not required
Rare disease (WGS)
Request whole genome sequencing (WGS) for rare and inherited diseases
Haematological malignancy (WGS)
Request whole genome sequencing (WGS) for haematological malignancies
Cancer (WGS)
Request whole genome sequencing (WGS) for solid tumour cancers
Prenatal tests
Familial hypercholesterolaemia
DPYD testing for 5-flourouracil (chemotherapy) toxicity
Cancer - HRD testing for advanced ovarian cancer
We now perform Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) tests
Ordering tests in Epic
The Cambridge Genomics Laboratory is transitioning to using Epic Beaker as its main Laboratory Information Management System.