East Genomics

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Updates - Cancer Test Directory

The National Genomic Test Directory specifies which genomic tests are commissioned by the NHS in England and the patients who are eligible to access to each test.

The Test Directory (opens in a new tab) is hosted on the NHS England website.

The clinical indications, tests available and eligibility criteria for patients are regularly updated. A major update to the Solid Tumour Test Directory is published each year in Spring. Minor updates are published throughout the year.

Please review this information and the NHSE published documents to ensure you are aware of any updates that may affect your practice.

Non-urgent advice: Update: 20th January 2025

Genomic testing for ESR1 variants in oestrogen receptor positive HER2-negative advanced breast cancer (Test M3.13 - read below for specific referral requirements).

Following the publication of NICE Technology Appraisal Final Draft Guidance: Elacestrant for treating oestrogen receptor positive HER2-negative advanced breast cancer with an ESR1 mutation after endocrine treatment, plasma testing is being made available via certain NHS genomic medicine services (see below).

20 January 2025 - 31 March 2025: Interim ESR1 genomic sample routing pathway

NICE in their Final Draft Guidance (FDG) published on 19 December 2024 has stated that:

Elacestrant is recommended as an option for treating oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive HER2-negative locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with an activating ESR1 mutation that has progressed after at least 1 line of endocrine therapy plus a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4 and 6 inhibitor if the cancer has progressed after at least 12 months of endocrine treatment plus a CDK 4 and 6 inhibitor.

Elacestrant became available via the Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF) from 19 December 2024 in line with these recommendations and according to a set of treatment criteria which translates the NICE recommendation into a clinical guide for use in practice.

The license for elacestrant requires identification of ESR1 variants from plasma only. Tumour tissue testing is not included in the current license. Testing for ESR1 variants in breast cancer therefore requires the genomic test to be performed on circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) derived from a blood sample rather than a tissue sample.

ESR1 genomic test information

The National Genomic Test Directory has been updated to include ctDNA testing for ESR1 (Test code: M3.13).

Initially testing is only available through specific GLHs. Do not send requests for this test to East Genomics.

Urgent advice: Important information for ordering ESR1 plasma testing

The blood kits available from each GLH are specific to the testing method employed by the designated GLHs, therefore it is paramount that the correct blood kit is used for test routing.

Clinicians in the East Genomics region are required to refer samples to the North Thames GLH.

This is an interim arrangement until 31 March 2025.


To support this new testing pathway, education and training webinars have been delivered and the recordings are available on the North West GLH and North Thames GMS websites:

ESR1 Breast ctDNA Testing Education Session (correct as of 16 January 2025)

Link: https://youtu.be/aeJvwBOeN64?si=VVRry37yF_BRbn3e

To access blood kits, documentation, and for any other information about ESR1 ctDNA testing please use the contact email below:

GLH North Thames

Email: Marsden360@rmh.nhs.uk

GLH website: Marsden360@rmh.nhs.uk (opens in a new tab)

GMS website: www.norththamesgenomics.nhs.uk (opens in a new tab)

Clinical Genomics
The Centre for Molecular
The Royal Marsden NHS
Foundation Trust
Cotswold Road
Sutton Surrey

Update: 20th September 2023
  • Clinical Indication Test Code: M1.4
  • Clinical Indication: Colorectal carcinoma

Known colorectal carcinoma, when MMR IHC not possible / not performed, as per NICE Guidelines algorithm for molecular testing for Lynch syndrome. Please refer to Rare & Inherited disease directory R210 Lynch syndrome for full eligibility criteria.

Known colorectal carcinoma, when MMR IHC not possible / not performed, as per NICE Guidelines for molecular testing to inform therapy choice. Delivery via pathology in some regions.