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Updates - Rare and Inherited Disease Test Directory

The National Genomic Test Directory specifies which genomic tests are commissioned by the NHS in England and the patients who are eligible to access to each test.

The Test Directory (opens in a new tab) is hosted on the NHS England website.

The Clinical Indications, tests available and eligibility criteria for patients are regularly updated. A major update to the Rare and Inherited Disease Test Directory is published each year in Spring. Minor updates are published throughout the year.

Please review this information and the NHSE published documents to ensure you are aware of any updates that may affect your practice.

Non-urgent advice: Update January 2025

The latest updates to the Rare and Inherited Disease Genomic Test Directory includes notable changes relevant to cardiology, developmental disorders, neurology and inherited cancers. The significant changes are:

  • Addition of R454 CYP2C19 testing for Mavacamten prescribing (Samples to be sent to the South West GLH, Bristol Lab)
  • Changes to eligibility criteria for R27, R28, R56, R58 (dementia), R137 and R297 (recurrent miscarriages)
  • Amendments to criteria for inherited cancers for deceased affected individuals in tests R210, R211, R367 and clarification of R207, R211, R212, R213, R214, R215, R216, R219, R220, R358, R359, R225, R254, R422, R363, R364 and R365
  • GPs can now request R176 for Gilbert syndrome
  • Removal of R53 (Fragile X)
  • Removal of array tests where whole genome sequencing is available R59.2, R69.3, R83.2, R84.2, R86.2, R87.2, R88.2, R89.2 and R100.2

Additional minor changes including clarification of R15, R29, R69, R131, R224, R367, R377, R414 and R430.

Details are summarised in the tables below and fully detailed in the attached file.

Find out more about changes to developmental disorder testing, including removal of R53.

New clinical indications available for testing
Specialism Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication
Specialism Cardiology Clinical Indication ID R454 Clinical Indication Mavacamten for treating symptomatic obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Changes in delivery of clinical indications (consult the directory for full details of changes)
Specialism Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication Change
Specialism Developmental disorders Clinical Indication ID R27 Clinical Indication Paediatric disorders Change Amended criteria to clarify when to request this testing. Addition of option to request this test for eligible patients with intellectual disability/developmental delay instead of using R29, to reduce reanalysis requests. Also addition of new exclusion criteria.
Specialism Developmental disorders Clinical Indication ID R28 Clinical Indication Congenital malformation and dysmorphism syndromes – microarray only Change Clinical features should be highly suggestive of a chromosomal cause and, where possible, to include the specific chromosomal disorder suspected on the request form.
Specialism Neurology Clinical Indication ID R56 Clinical Indication Adult onset dystonia, chorea or related movement disorder Change Testing criteria updated to include any one of the following:
1. Unexplained isolated dystonia, chorea or related movement disorder with onset before age of 30, or familial
2. Unexplained complex dystonia, chorea or related movement disorder with onset before age of 45, or familial
3. HD-like (regardless of age or dystonia type), following a negative R68 HD test
Specialism Neurology Clinical Indication ID R58 Clinical Indication Adult onset neurodegenerative disorder Change Updated testing criteria linked to unexplained dementia.
Acquired causes must have been excluded. Testing can be offered in cases where close relatives have MND/ALS, where neurological features suggest a monogenic cause, or where family history is highly suggestive of a monogenic cause.
Specialism Cardiology Clinical Indication ID R137 Clinical Indication Congenital heart disease - microarray Change Added exclusion criteria for certain non-syndromic congenital heart disease.
Specialism Mosaic & structural chromosomal disorders Clinical Indication ID R297 Clinical Indication Possible structural chromosomal rearrangement -– karyotype or targeted chromosomal analysis Change Change of testing criteria for recurrent miscarriage.
Specialism Inherited cancer Clinical Indication ID R210 Clinical Indication Inherited MMR
deficiency (Lynch syndrome)
Change Amendment to criteria for deceased affected individuals. Added types of lynch cancers: urothelial cancers, upper gastrointestinal cancer.
Specialism Inherited cancer Clinical Indication ID R211 Clinical Indication Inherited polyposis
and early onset colorectal cancer - germline test
Change Amendment to criteria for deceased affected individuals.
Specialism Inherited cancer Clinical Indication ID R224 Clinical Indication Inherited renal cancer Change Amendments to criteria including increased proband age limits. Amendments for deceased affected individuals.
Specialism Inherited cancer Clinical Indication ID R414 Clinical Indication APC Associated
Change Amendment to criteria to include people of any age that meet GAPP criteria. Amendments in the criteria for deceased affected individuals.
Specialism Inherited cancer Clinical Indication ID R367 Clinical Indication Inherited
pancreatic cancer
Change Amendment to criteria: Two or more relatives with breast cancer age <60, melanoma age <60, OR ovarian cancer OR two or more with pancreatic cancer (any age). Amendment to criteria for deceased affected individuals.
Specialism Inherited cancer Clinical Indication ID R430 Clinical Indication Inherited prostate
Change Amendments to criteria and addition of R207 to overlapping Clinical Indications.
Specialism Inherited cancer Clinical Indication ID R207, R211, R212,R213, R214, R215, R216, R219, R220, R358, R359, R225, R254, R422, R363, R364, R365. Clinical Indication Various Change Updated the criteria for deceased affected individuals.

Past Updates

Non-urgent advice: Update September 2024

Please be aware of several important changes in the Rare and Inherited Disease Genomic Test Directory concerning testing criteria for patients with developmental disorders.

Intellectual Disability

The criteria for intellectual disability testing has been reviewed and updated:

  • Patients with unexplained moderate/severe/profound global developmental delay or unexplained moderate/severe/profound intellectual disability are eligible for testing using both microarray (R377) and whole genome sequencing (R29).
  • Patients with isolated autism or mild intellectual disability are no longer eligible for genetic testing. This is because the chance of finding an underlying genetic condition in this group is very low.

The criteria for Fragile X testing for intellectual disability has been reviewed and updated:

  • Standalone Fragile X testing (R53) should be performed in individuals with a family history of Fragile X.
  • Individuals with moderate to severe developmental delay or intellectual disability are eligible for Fragile X testing using whole genome sequencing (R29).
  • For females with isolated mild intellectual disability, the diagnostic yield of Fragile X testing is low. We recommend only ordering standalone Fragile X testing in this cohort if there is additional family or personal history consistent with a possible diagnosis of Fragile X syndrome. For example:
  • a male family member has moderate or severe intellectual disability
  • a family member has premature ovarian failure
  • a male relative has symptoms consistent with Fragile X tremor-ataxia syndrome

Congenital Malformation and Dysmorphism Syndromes

As a Genomic Medicine Service, we are working towards providing testing for Congenital Malformation and Dysmorphism Syndromes using whole genome sequencing as a standalone test. In the future, this standalone test will replace the requirement for a separate microarray test in most patients.

Until the introduction of this standalone whole genome sequencing test, testing patients using microarrays, to identify copy number variation, is still indicated.

  • Paediatric and adult patients with Congenital Malformation and Dysmorphism Syndromes are eligible for testing using microarray (R28) and whole genome sequencing (R27-Paediatric Disorders).
  • Patients with syndromic overgrowth or overgrowth in combination with intellectual disability or developmental delay are also eligible for testing using microarray (R28) and whole genome sequencing (R27).
  • In patients where there is a high suspicion of a specific single gene disorder, or where there is likely an autosomal recessive disorder, a genetic diagnosis is more likely to be identified using whole genome sequencing than by microarray. In these patients, we recommend you consider directly ordering whole genome sequencing or referring the patient to your local Clinical Genetics department.

Ordering whole genome sequencing

Instructions for ordering whole genome sequencing can be found on our Rare Disease WGS webpages.

Please use these new testing criteria with immediate effect.

Parallel microarray testing will no longer be performed for WGS test orders. If a microarray is required please clearly indicate this using the appropriate R code.

It is essential that you provide sufficient clinical information, and HPO terms for WGS tests, on the test order form for the GLH team to confirm that a patient meets the testing criteria and to maximise the chance of a diagnosis for your patient.

For test orders received after the 1st November 2024, where a patient does not meet the above testing criteria, or where sufficient information has not been provided, testing will not be initiated. DNA will be stored and a letter sent to the ordering clinician to indicate that testing will not be initiated without additional details.

If you have any queries, please contact your local genomics laboratory at Cambridge, Nottingham or Leicester using the standard contact email addresses.

These changes will be the topic of the September East Genomics Paediatric Forum on the 26 September at 12:30 -13:30. Find out more and register your place here.

Non-urgent advice: Update July 2024

The National Genomic Test Directory for Rare and Inherited Disease has been updated.

New tests have been added and tests amended – listed below. Changes have also been made to individual Clinical Indication eligibility criteria. The full change log is provided as a table in the back of the Rare and Inherited Disease eligibility criteria PDF document.

Please review the following information, alongside the published Test Directory documents, to ensure you are aware of any updates that may affect your practice.

The changes to the Rare and Inherited Disease Test Directory will be implemented across the Genomic Medicine Service laboratories over the next 3 months.

New Clinical Indications available for testing:
Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication ID R446 Clinical Indication APOL1 kidney donor testing
Clinical Indication ID R452 Clinical Indication Silver Russell Syndrome and Temple Syndrome
(Replaces R147 Growth failure in early childhood)
Clinical Indication ID R453 Clinical Indication Monogenic short stature
(Replaces R147 Growth failure in early childhood)
Clinical Indication ID R449, R451, R450 Clinical Indication New Clinical Indications for diagnostic testing of metabolic genes.
Changes in delivery of clinical indications
Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication Change
Clinical Indication ID R444.1 Clinical Indication NICE approved PARP inhibitor treatment Change Eligibility expanded to include testing for
individuals with HER2-negative
breast cancer for access to Talazoparib.
Clinical Indication ID R444.1 Clinical Indication NICE approved PARP inhibitor treatment Change Testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes only.
Recommendation to request R208 - Inherited breast cancer and ovarian cancer, where patients are eligible, to receive full gene panel testing.
Clinical Indication ID R147 Clinical Indication Growth failure in early childhood Change Removal of R147 Clinical Indication.
Replaced with R452 Silver Russell Syndrome and Temple Syndrome and R453 Monogenic short stature
Clinical Indication ID R195 Clinical Indication Proteinuric renal disease Change Clinical Indication moved to WGS with
immediate effect
Clinical Indication ID R65 Clinical Indication Aminoglycoside exposure posing risk to
Change Three MT-RNR1 variants will now be tested for this clinical indication:
Clinical Indication ID R351 Clinical Indication NARP syndrome or maternally inherited Leigh syndrome Change Removal of MT-ND6 target from R351.1
Clinical Indication ID R239 Clinical Indication Incontinentia pigmenti Change Addition of a test type for testing common IKBKG deletion.
Clinical Indication ID R27
Clinical Indication Paediatric disorders,
Intellectual disability
Change Removal of array test type for these WGS clinical indications.
R377 Intellectual disability - microarray only, can be used if indicated.
Clinical Indication ID R69
Clinical Indication Hypotonic infant, Early
onset or syndromic epilepsy, Arthrogryposis, Cerebellar anomalies,
Hydrocephalus, Cerebral malformation, Severe microcephaly, Ultra-rare and
atypical monogenic disorders
Change Text added to eligibility criteria “It is not a requirement to perform microarray testing in addition to WGS but microarray testing can be performed where appropriate”.
For these WGS tests, a parallel microarray will not be routinely performed unless clinically indicated and/or requested on the test order form.

Copy Number Variation test codes

Copy Number Variant (CNVs) test codes for most gene panel Clinical Indications have been merged with the gene panel test code. Where possible, CNVs will now be routinely delivered via next generation sequencing (NGS) for these tests. Where CNV detection is not possible within genes known to have disease causing CNVs (e.g. due to homology with pseudogenes), alternative methods will be used to identify CNVs (eg. R210.6 PMS2 MLPA will be run for R210 - Inherited MMR deficiency patients).

Gene Panel Content

Updates have also been made to gene panel content. Please use the NHS GMS Panel Resource (opens in a new tab) to view current gene panel content.

Non-urgent advice: Update 23 February 2024

The following new clinical indications available for testing were added in February 2024:

New Clinical Indications available for testing:
Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication ID R445 Clinical Indication Common aneuploidy testing - NIPT

The pathway for this testing is due to be implemented within maternity services across the East Genomics region by 1st April 2024.

Samples and test orders should be routed to the NIPT laboratory currently delivering testing for the Fetal Anomaly Screening Program.


Non-urgent advice: Update 8 January 2024

The following new clinical indications available for testing, and changes to Clinical Indication names, eligibility criteria and overlapping indications were added in January 2024:

New Clinical Indications available for testing:
Clinical Indication Test Code Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication Test Code R431 Clinical Indication R431 Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling to Aid Variant Interpretation

Some minor updates have also been made to Clinical Indication names, eligibility criteria and overlapping indications.

Updates to GMS PanelApp

To support healthcare professionals in finding the correct test for a patient, the gene content for single gene tests and small panel tests have been added to the GMS PanelApp resource (opens in a new tab).

Update 31 October 2023

New Clinical Indications available for testing:
Clinical Indication Test Code Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication Test Code R431 Clinical Indication Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling to Aid Variant Interpretation

Some minor updates have also been made to Clinical Indication names, eligibility criteria and overlapping indications.

Update 24 July 2023

Clinical Indication Test code Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication Test code R54.4 Clinical Indication Hereditary ataxia with onset in adulthood - RFC1
Clinical Indication Test code R78.5 Clinical Indication Hereditary neuropathy or pain disorder - RFC1 STR

The latest version of the Genomic Medicine Service Rare Diseases Test Directory includes the addition of a diagnostic test for the RFC1 expansion that causes CANVAS (OMIM #614575 (opens in a new tab)).

The RFC1 expansion testing has been added as an option when requesting the whole genome sequencing (WGS) tests for R54 - Hereditary ataxia with onset in adulthood and R78 - Hereditary neuropathy or pain disorder.

The RFC1 expansion is NOT currently detected as part of WGS analysis, therefore this test is offered as a stand-alone PCR-based test but ONLY when it is specifically requested as part of a referral for the above panels. RFC1 expansion reports will be issued separately to the WGS panel reports.

If RFC1 testing is required as part of a request for R54.3 / R78.4, please be sure to state this clearly on the test order form.

Update 1 June 2023

Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication ID R444 Clinical Indication NICE approved PARP inhibitor treatment

An additional Clinical Indication has been added to the Rare and Inherited Disease Test Directory to support NICE-approved PARP inhibitor treatment in breast and prostate cancer. The Rare and Inherited Disease eligibility criteria document has also been updated.

The R444 Clinical Indication code should be used for germline testing in patients not eligible for testing via R208 (breast) or R430 (prostate) testing.

Update 3 April 2023

The main yearly update to the Rare and Inherited Disease Genomic Test Directory has been published. The list of new Clinical Indications and significant changes to the Rare and Inherited Disease Genomic Test Directory are listed below.

New Clinical Indications:
Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication ID R442 Clinical Indication Variant re-interpretation
Clinical Indication ID R430 Clinical Indication Inherited prostate cancer
Clinical Indication ID R440 Clinical Indication Hereditary isolated diabetes insipidus
Clinical Indication ID R438 Clinical Indication Paediatric pseudo-obstruction syndrome
Clinical Indication ID R436 Clinical Indication Hereditary alpha tryptasaemia
Clinical Indication ID R433 Clinical Indication NIPD for Monogenic diabetes, subtype glucokinase
Clinical Indication ID R441 Clinical Indication Unexplained death in infancy and sudden unexplained death in childhood (more details below)

STR Test Codes

Some Neurology Clinical Indication STR test codes have been removed from the Test Directory. These STRs will be delivered using WGS. See correspondence sent in December 2022.

Semi-Rapid Clinical Indications

The Rare and Inherited Disease Genomic Test Directory includes four clinical indications delivered using trio whole genome sequencing (WGS) that in specific circumstances can be delivered as a Semi-rapid singleton whole exome virtual gene panel test. These four indications are listed in the table below.

Clinical Indication ID Clinical Indication
Clinical Indication ID R15 Clinical Indication Primary immunodeficiency or monogenic inflammatory bowel disease
Clinical Indication ID R98 Clinical Indication Likely inborn error of metabolism
Clinical Indication ID R135 Clinical Indication Paediatric or syndromic cardiomyopathy
Clinical Indication ID R257 Clinical Indication Unexplained young onset
end-stage renal disease

Please review this information and the NHSE published documents to ensure you are aware of any updates that may affect your practice.

If your patient is eligible for Semi-Rapid testing, you can find information regarding ordering testing in the document linked below.