East Genomics

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Urology (urological tumours)

Our Urology Genomic Community of Practice (CoP) is one of several CoPs we are currently supporting. See below for further details, including future meetings and how to join.

Lead Clinician

James Whitworth, Honorary Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

James Whitworth
James Whitworth

Who is this CoP for?

  • Urologists
  • Clinical Genetics colleagues

Potential for other specialties relevant to hereditary urological tumours e.g.

  • Respiratory (Birt Hogg Dube)
  • Neurosurgery (VHL)
  • Dermatology (Birt Hogg Dube, Hereditary Leiomyomatosis Renal Cell Carcinoma)
About this Community of Practice

Mainstreaming for R224 (inherited renal cancer) still has some way to go, but many patients tested by Clinical Genetics are eligible on the basis of readily identifiable factors such as age at diagnosis.

A key aim of this CoP is to support and promote a greater proportion of genomic tests initiated outside of Clinical Genetics Services, by treating teams across Trusts in the East region, thereby improving equity of access to testing and increasing the number of appropriate tests requested.

Where individuals are diagnosed with a predisposition to kidney cancer, regular surveillance imaging is usually indicated. However there is currently no coordination between centres to put this in place for affected patients. Therefore, another key aim of this pan-regional CoP would be to support this.

Meeting schedule

Information on the recurrent day of the month and time of this CoP will be added shortly.

  • Details of the first meeting will be added here shortly.

Non-urgent advice: Join this Community of Practice

To join this - or any of our Genomic Communities of Practice - please register (or update) your details via our form here.

Please ensure to select the Community of Practice that you wish to join.

Resources from previous meetings

You will soon be able to access slides and recordings of all Urology CoP meetings on our FutureNHS workspace.

If you haven't already, you can request access to this platform by following this link. (opens in a new tab)