East Genomics

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Inherited Cardiac Conditions

Our Inherited Cardiac Conditions Genomics Community of Practice (CoP) is one of several CoPs we are currently supporting. See below for further details, including future meetings and how to join.

Lead Clinicians

  • Dr Rosemary Rusk, Consultant Cardiologist and Inherited Cardiac Conditions (ICC) Clinical Lead, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Dr Lynne Williams, Consultant Cardiologist and Lead for Specialist Cardiomyopathy Clinic, Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Rosemary Rusk and Lynne Williams
Left: Dr Rosemary Rusk, Right: Dr Lynne Willliams

Who is this CoP for?

  • Consultant Cardiologists
  • Cardiologists in Tertiary Referral Centres
  • Cardiologists in District General Hospitals
  • Cardiology Specialist Nurses
  • Clinical Geneticists and Genetic Counsellors
  • Regional Genetics Laboratory.
  • Input from cardiac and vascular surgeons
  • Other relevant specialists as appropriate for multi-system disorders (Paediatricians, Specialist Nurses, Doctors in Training, Pathologists, Patient Support Groups)
About this Community of Practice

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is one of the most common inherited cardiac conditions, affecting between 1 in 200 and 1 in 500 of the population. And more people lose their lives each year in the UK from aortic dissection than in road traffic accidents.


Genetic testing can provide diagnostic information and exclude phenocopies of disease, but most importantly can help to streamline screening of first-degree relatives. Dilated cardiomyopathy also represents a common condition, and genetic testing can help to tailor treatment and patient selection for device therapy.

At present genetic testing is performed (in the vast majority of cases) by Cardiologists in tertiary centre ICC clinics. By increasing genetic testing by colleagues in referring centres we can ensure equitable access for patients and improve delivery of care, especially for patients who are not referred or unable to travel to tertiary centres. Clear phenotypic diagnosis can be supported through our tertiary centre Heart Muscle MDT for imaging review prior to testing for more complex cases.


Awareness of the potential inherited nature of aortic aneurysm/dilatation and dissection, seems to be less when compared to other ICC categories. Aortic dissection, which is associated with high mortality, is often mis-diagnosed, and the incidence of genetic testing is low, even though it has major implications for family members. In line with the national move to raise aortopathy awareness, this CoP will support education, upskilling and awareness-raising across the East region.

Meeting schedule

Our Inherited Cardiac Conditions Genomics CoP will take place on the FOURTH Tuesday of each month, 12.30pm - 1.30pm. Details of upcoming meetings:

  • Tuesday 25th March 2025: details and registration link to be added here shortly

Non-urgent advice: Join this Community of Practice

To join this - or any of our Genomic Communities of Practice - please register (or update) your details via our form here.

Please ensure to select the Community of Practice that you wish to join.

Resources from previous meetings

You will be able to access slides and recordings of all Inherited Cardiac Conditions CoP meetings on our FutureNHS workspace once the meetings get underway in Spring 2025.

If you haven't already, you can request access to this platform by following this link. (opens in a new tab)