East Genomics

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Jobs and Careers

Genomic medicine is a rapidly growing and dynamic field that needs skilled professionals at every stage of its life cycle: from nurses, midwives and GPs facilitating patient conversations and counselling on genomics, through genomic laboratory testing and clinical diagnostics, to data analytics (bioinformatics) and exploratory genomic science.

Job vacancies

All of our jobs are listed within NHS Jobs website and bulletin. You can subscribe to a regular update by registering on their website. (opens in a new tab)

All roles within our Cambridge Laboratory are posted on CUH jobs site.

We are recruiting to the bioinformatics team at all levels - please contact us (cuh.geneticslaboratories@nhs.net) if you are interested to find out further details.

  • We endeavour to list current jobs on this page and post to our Twitter account (@East_Genomics (opens in a new tab)).
  • Within our main laboratory in Cambridge, we regularly have Technical posts out to advert at bands 3-5, please see the CUH jobs page for any current open adverts, or please email our Technical Lead.

Non-urgent advice: Job alert service

We don't want to lose contact with you just because we may not have a relevant opportunity for you when you visit our site.

So, we've created this online form which will allow you to enter some details so we can alert you to future jobs and vacancies as and when they arise.

An introduction

The work of East Genomic Laboratory Hub is dependent on a number of roles. We provide much support and training to our staff so they have the skills they need and the ability to progress.

Whether you have GCSEs or NVQs, previous work experience, a science degree, or a PhD, there will be a route into genomic healthcare for you. Training courses are available at every entry point, and once you are working within genomic medicine, further training can open up new pathways and boost your career progression.

Genomics Education Programme- GTAC

The Genomics Training Academy (GTAC) is a national initiative led by NHS England’s Genomics Education Programme and Genomics Unit.

The academy provides training and education to the specialist genomics laboratory and clinical workforce within the UK, including bioinformaticians, clinical geneticists, clinical scientists, biomedical scientists, genetic counsellors and genetic technologists.

You can find out more about the GTAC on the Genomics Education Programme website (opens in a new tab), including how to enrol (opens in a new tab) and FAQs (opens in a new tab).

You can also find out more about careers (opens in a new tab) and the various roles for scientists in genomic testing and the interpretation of results.

East Genomic Laboratory Hub (GLH)

The work of East Genomic Laboratory Hub is dependent on a number of roles. We provide much support and training to our staff so they have the skills they need and the ability to progress.

Roles within East GLH include:

Clinical Scientists

Our scientific teams are made up of Clinical Scientists and trainees, and each is managed by a Lead Clinical Scientist.

These teams are grouped into Rare Disease, responsible for prenatal, reproductive, postnatal, paediatric, neurological and endocrine conditions and inherited cancers, and Acquired Cancer, providing services for haematological malignancies and solid tumours.

Each team manages referrals for the respective clinical indication and provides high-level knowledge and specialist expertise to the genomic service. In addition to checking referrals, assigning and activating tests, Scientific teams are responsible for the analysis, interpretation and reporting of test results, acting as the interface between technical teams and clinicians and playing a pivotal role in patient care. Senior scientists also lead and oversee many of the R&D activities necessary to implement changes in the National Genomic Test Directory (NGTD) or as part of collaborative research projects.

Relevant courses - COMING SOON!

This section is currently being updated and will be available soon.

Genetic Technologists

Our technical team is sub-divided into 8 teams based on the main processes performed within them and the areas of the wet lab they are situated in.

Each team is led by a Senior Genetic Technologist, who leads and manages Genetic Technologists, Biomedical Scientists, Trainee Genetic Technologists, Healthcare Science Practitioners, Healthcare Science Associates and Biomedical Science placement students.

Staff are assigned to one team, but some cross over and sharing of skills is often required.

The teams are: Specimen reception, Extraction, Culture, Flourescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), Microarray, Next generation sequencing (NGS), Targeted sequencing, Cancer mutation

Relevant courses - COMING SOON!

This section will be available soon.


Bioinformaticians apply information technology to biological, medical, and health research. They use computational tools to gather and analyse data in fields such as population, biology, genetics, and pharmaceutical development.

Our Bioinformatics team at East GLH is responsible for giving meaning to genomic data, which can be used to make a diagnosis for a patient with a rare condition or to identify the best treatment for a patient with cancer.

Their input is vital. The team works closely with our clinical scientists as well as the relevant clinicians and genetic counsellors across the region as necessary.

Relevant courses

There are a range of places you can study bioinformatics, including the following which are local to our main base in Cambridge:


Informatics is the study of the behaviour and structure of any system that generates, stores, processes and then presents information; it is basically the science of information. It takes into consideration the interaction between the information systems and the user, as well as the construction of the interfaces between the two, such as the user interface.

Our informatics lead at East GLH works closely with all our lead scientists and has a close link with our Information Governance team (based within Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), to ensure any future systems, surveys and data collection are set up in the correct way and information stored appropriately.

Clinical Geneticists and Genetic Counsellors

Our teams work very closely with Clinical Genetics services within our region.

Clinical geneticists will see anyone referred to them with a genetic concern or condition. They work as part of a multidisciplinary team with genetic counsellors and laboratory scientists to provide diagnostic and counselling services for adults, children, and families with, or at risk of, conditions which may have a genetic basis.

Clinical geneticists also work closely with molecular genetic and cytogenetic scientists, who perform most of the tests they request, to interpret results.

Further information on the role and can be found here Clinical genetics | Health Careers (opens in a new tab)

Genetic counsellors are trained in both genetic medicine and counselling. It is their role to help patients understand and make decisions in situations where their genes affect their health.

They do this through taking and analysing family history information, assessing the risks of inheriting or passing on a medical condition, ordering and interpreting genetic and genomic tests, and explaining test results to patients and their relatives. Genetic counsellors also use techniques from counselling to help patients adjust to having a genetic or genomic condition, and to help them make difficult decisions associated with this.

Other roles

Our teams at East Genomics work closely with and rely heavily on administration, education and communication teams.