East Genomics

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NHSE Test Directory turnaround times

Our laboratories aim to report all genomic tests within the NHS England genomic test reporting time guidelines (examples below). Please note that reporting times will vary depending on the test type and referral type.

If you have any queries or concerns please contact the laboratory cuh.geneticslaboratories@nhs.net

Reporting Time Guidelines
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Calendar Days Examples
Category (mapping to test directory) Ultra Rapid Sub-categories N/A Calendar Days 3 days Examples QF-PCR for rapid trisomy detection
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Calendar Days 3 days Examples Urgent haemato-oncology FISH/RT-PCR
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Calendar Days 3 days Examples PCR-based tests where the result is needed
urgently for prenatal diagnosis
Category (mapping to test directory) Ultra rapid Sub-categories NA Calendar Days 7 days Examples NIPT
Category (mapping to test directory) Rapid Sub-categories Rapid Calendar Days 14 days Examples Microarray for prenatal / urgent postnatal (e.g.
neonatal referrals)
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Calendar Days 14 days Examples Urgent Haemato-oncology karyotyping
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Calendar Days 14 days Examples Mutation specific molecular pathology tests
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Calendar Days 14 days Examples Southern blot tests where the result is needed
urgently for prenatal diagnosis
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Calendar Days 14 days Examples PCR-based tests for predictive testing and confirmation
of neonatal results
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Complex rapid Calendar Days 21 days Examples Urgent panels and exomes for relevant indications
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Complex rapid Calendar Days 21 days Examples NIPD
Category (mapping to test directory) Standard Sub-categories Somatic Cancer Calendar Days 21 days Examples Standard HO karyotyping (e.g. MDS)
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Somatic Cancer Calendar Days 21 days Examples NGS panels for HO referrals
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Somatic Cancer Calendar Days 21 days Examples NGS panels for molecular  pathology
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Rare Disease Calendar Days 42 days (6 weeks) Examples Standard paediatric microarray Standard single
gene and small gene panel (<10 gene) sequencing
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Rare Disease Calendar Days 42 days (6 weeks) Examples Known familial mutation testing Standard STR based analysis Postnatal karyotyping (e.g. fertility or familial microarray follow-up)
Category (mapping to test directory) Complex Standard Sub-categories Rare Disease Calendar Days 84 days (12 weeks) Examples Large gene-panels (>10 genes) or WES for standard referral indications
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Rare Disease Calendar Days Part a) 42 days (6 weeks) Examples Expectation for delivery of centralised WGS (from DNA sample receipt to return of vcf and/or filtered variants to GLH)
Category (mapping to test directory) Sub-categories Rare Disease Calendar Days Part b) 42 days (6 weeks) Examples Validation/reporting of centralised WGS results after receipt at GLH