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Webinar: Clopidogrel use after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack

Genetic testing in patients who have had a stroke can be an effective tool in assessing whether clopidogrel is an appropriate treatment to prevent further strokes.

This testing is not currently available routinely in the NHS. Following the publication of NICE guidance DG59 (opens in a new tab), we will be piloting genetic testing within stroke services in select sites across England. These sites are:

  • St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital
  • Salford Royal Hospital.

This will enable us to assess how routine testing could be rolled out at scale to all patients who experience a stroke where Clopidogrel use is being considered. The pilot will enable us to design and refine this new genetic testing service, before it is rolled out across the NHS.

The pilot will be led by the NHS Pharmacogenomics and Medicines Optimisation Network of Excellence, working in collaboration with the chosen sites, and supported by NHS England’s Stroke Programme and Genomics Unit. The pilot will run from October 2024 to April 2025 and will produce an implementation guide for providers and information to support future commissioning decisions.

NICE will notify stakeholders when supporting information on implementation is available, as highlighted on their website. To further enable future implementation, NHS England will also be supporting a broader focus on relevant tools and resources, informed by the findings of the pilot, such as appropriate education and training.

Find out more

NHS staff working in stroke units, pharmacy and genomics who would like to be kept updated on these plans are encouraged to join a webinar on 7 November at 1-2pm, hosted by the NHS Pharmacogenomics and Medicines Optimisation Network of Excellence and supported by members of NHSE’s Stroke Programme and Genomics Unit.

This webinar will provide more detail on the pilot and plans, and an opportunity ask questions. If you would like to receive an invitation to this webinar, please submit your contact details to the Network of Excellence via this form https://bit.ly/CLoPid24 (opens in a new tab)