East Genomics

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Ride for Rare - help us raise funds to support people and families affected by rare genetic conditions

On Sunday 15 September 2024, teams of healthcare and genetics professionals will embark on bike rides around Nottingham and Cambridge to raise money for charities supporting people with rare genetic conditions.

In 2013, genetic professionals involved in the Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (opens in a new tab) took part in a charity bike ride between nearby genetic services, to raise money for national rare condition charities SWAN UK (opens in a new tab) and Unique (opens in a new tab).

The event was a great success, raising over £11,000, and so, 11 years on, it is being repeated!

The bike rides will take place on Sunday 15 September 2024, in our region around Nottingham and Cambridge.

How to take part

Does your role involve genomics, genetics or caring for people with rare conditions? Then why not join a cycle ride, provide vehicle support or set up another local ride!

How to donate

Please spread the word and donate if you can here (opens in a new tab).

Ride for Rare 2024