A bite-sized education session from NHS East Genomics on a range of patient support tools and resources for people with Lynch Syndrome and Rare Conditions.
This session brings together some resources and tools developed to support patients with Lynch Syndrome or a Rare or Inherited Conditions.
We are delighted to welcome national charity Lynch Syndrome UK, and regional charity Cambridge Rare Disease Network (CamRARE), to discuss their respective 'patient passports' which have been developed to increase understanding and communication between patients and healthcare professionals.
We also welcome Professor Julian Barwell who will talk about a new Lynch Syndrome app developed at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust which is designed to help Lynch Syndrome patients manage their condition.
12.00pm: Welcome
12.05pm: Patient Passport for people with Lynch Syndrome - Helen Bufton (Trustee at Lynch Syndrome UK, and Lynch Syndrome patient)
12.20pm: Patient Passport for people with a Rare Condition - Jo Balfour (MD, CamRARE) and Vaila Morrison (Architect and inclusive design expert, Design and Communications for CamRARE and mum to Eilidh who was born with a rare genetic condition)
12.40pm: Lynch Syndrome patient app - Professor Julian Barwell, Consultant Cancer Geneticist , University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
12.55pm: Opportunity for any questions
1.00pm: Session close