Our latest East Genomics newsletter is out now.
Just some of the content includes:
News and updates
- Genomics Communities of Practice - expressions of interest invited
- Our new East Genomics e-learning site launched
- NHSE Cancer Genomic Improvement Programme (CGIP)
- Ground-breaking breast cancer programme decodes genetic sequence of a patient’s cancer
- UK develops world-first pandemic early warning system
- Real time DNA analysis for brain tumours could guide surgeons as they operate
- Registrations open: NHS Genomics Healthcare Summit in December
- Genomics podcasts
Laboratory updates
- Lab staff on the road
- The VR lab
- Update on sample storage after reporting
NEW: Research news
- Data on over 2700 genes relevant to genetic diseases published
- Drugs for advanced breast cancer could help patients with rare condition
- Rare disease genomic testing: Promoting timely and equitable access
- Involving people affected by cancer in shaping genomics policy work
- Link between genetic risk and obesity
- Why we need more diverse voices in healthcare research
Events, education and training
- Clinical Genetics Society Conference
- Festival of Genomics and Biodata
- Genetics and Genomics: What Midwives need to know
- Our Paediatric / Prenatal Forums and Haem-Onc Teaching Series
- New Familial Hypercholesterolaemia MOOC
- RAREfest 2024
Non-urgent advice: Keep up to date with genomics
- Read the November newsletter here.
- See previous editions, plus our Nursing and Midwifery and Pharmacy newsletters.
- Sign up to receive news and updates from NHS East Genomics.