Our Genomics BITE session for September 2023 is aimed at midwives, health visitors, neonatal and paediatric nurses and anyone who is interested in finding out more.

Date: Tuesday 26 September 2023
Time: 12.30pm - 1.45pm
MS Teams
Rapid prenatal exome sequencing (R21) is undertaken for a nationally agreed panel of genes known to cause disorders that may present prenatally.
The session will cover the following aspects relating to the R21 Testing Pathway:
- Who is eligible?
- Hear about the East GMSA R21 project and outcome recommendations
- Consent
- Aftercare and support for women and families
Our speakers
- Dr Katarzyna (Kasia) Gajewska- Knapik, Consultant Obstetrician and Subspecialist in Fetomaternal Medicine, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Fleur Murray-Gilbertson, Lead Fetal Medicine Midwife, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Lauren Capacchione, Senior Midwifery Project Lead - Feto Maternal Medicine, East GMSA and Deputy Fetal Medicine Midwife, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
- Anita Davis, Information Officer – Family Support, Unique and Midwife, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust