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Haemophilia focus at our April Regional Midwives in Genetics and Genomics Network meeting
Our Regional Midwives in Genetics and Genomics Network (RegMiGGs.net) brings together regional midwifery professionals, educators and those in specialist roles that support the embedding of genomics in maternity services.

Labrador genetic research reveals new human obesity genes
Similar genes contribute to risk of obesity in both dogs and humans. Diet and exercise can help prevent obesity, but it is harder for those with high genetic risk.

Update on simplification of genomic testing for developmental disorders
We're implementing changes to simplify the ordering of tests for developmental disorders

Pilot to permanent: how a hub service for identifying people at risk of familial hypercholesterolaemia got up and running
Over 90% of the world’s oceans remain unexplored. But before grabbing scuba gear, consider that in the UK, the same percentage of people with Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) – a genetic condition that makes cardiovascular disease nine times more likely (1) – remains undetected (2). Affecting 1 in 250 people (approx. 240,000 in the UK (3)), improving FH detection represents an important opportunity to help prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Rare Disease Day 2025 is coming!
As Rare Disease Day approaches on Friday 28th February, we wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the significance of this day, and signpost to some ways you can show your support and get involved.

Hypothalamus map gives new insight into genetics of obesity
This "Google Maps of the brain" could help researchers find new treatments for metabolic conditions.

14 new NHS communities of practice in genomics across the East
Our regional Genomic Medicine Service has announced the establishment of 14 new Communities of Practice (CoPs) which will bring healthcare professionals from across the region together on a regular basis to share best practice and upskill around genomics and how it relates to their particular area of medicine.

We'rer looking for people with experience of genomic testing
Have you, or someone you care for, had genetic testing on the NHS? Do you live in the East Midlands or East of England? Could you give a couple hours a month (expenses paid) to help ensure the views of patients, carers and families are heard?

Training East Genomics scientists through virtual reality
This innovative approach to upskilling is provided by the genomics training academy

Hundreds of people with Jewish ancestry found to have BRCA gene mutation
Hundreds of people with Jewish ancestry have been identified as having a mutation of the BRCA gene which puts them at a higher risk of developing cancer.

Our January 2025 newsletter is out now
Our first update of 2025 focusses on a series of updates to the Rare and Inherited Genomics Test Directory, which has implications for anyone ordering testing relating to cardiology, neurology, developmental disorders and inherited cancers.

Road to Genome Podcast Series 4 opens with the rapping Consultant
Series 4 of The Road to Genome podcast kicks off with a cracking interview with rapping Consultant Clinical Geneticist Professor Julian Barwell.

Update on NHSE Genomic Networks of Excellence
There are eight Genomic Networks of Excellence across England, supported by the NHS Genomics Programme. Here are the latest updates on each network, including recent engagement activities and opportunities to get involved.

2025 East Paediatric Genomics Forums
We're continuing our popular East Paediatric Genomics Forum into 2025 with two great sessions for January and February.

Nurses leading first-of-its-kind cancer genomics service
Two nurses are leading a first-of-its-kind genomics service for cancer patients in the East of England.

Event leads to recommendations to increase access to whole genome sequencing for children with cancer
A workshop event, organised by the CRUK Cambridge Centre Paediatric Cancer Programme, University of Cambridge Department of Paediatrics, NHS East Genomics, Wellcome Sanger Institute and Wellcome Connecting Science has led to an important series of recommendations for improving equity of access to whole genome sequencing (WGS) for children with cancer across the UK.

Cambridge scientists win Sarcoma UK award for ‘transformative’ genomics study
A research team from East Genomics have been presented with the Sarcoma UK Shining Research of the Year Award

East Region Prenatal Genomics Forum, 16 December 2024
Our next Prenatal Genomics Forum takes place on Monday 16 December 2024 at 1pm.

Our November 2024 newsletter
Our latest East Genomics newsletter is out now.

Funding available to set up a genomics Community of Practice
We are seeking expressions of interest from clinicians for new genomics Communities of Practice (COPs), with funding and support available.