The NHS GMSA transformation projects align with national priorities such as the NHS Long Term Plan.
They lay the foundations for services that could be rolled out nationally to improve patient care and ensure equity of access. They also raise awareness of genomics with healthcare professionals, boost confidence in using genomic testing and ultimately support better outcomes for patients.

Cancer Genomic Improvement Programme (CGIP)
The Cancer Genomic Improvement Programme (CGIP) has been established, and funded by the NHS England Cancer Programme in 24-25, to tackle the end-to-end turnaround times approved for a series of solid tumours and haemato-oncology during 2023.

Circulating Tumour DNA (ctDNA)
This project aims to provide evidence, including the health economics, for the expansion of ctDNA testing in the NHS to support early diagnosis of cancer.

Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH)
Developing testing pathways, a case finding approach and supporting education and training in Primary Care.

Generation Study
We are working with select NHS Trusts and Genomics England in delivering the ‘Generation Study’, formerly known as the Newborn Genomes Programme.

Lynch Syndrome
This project aims improve the early detection of cancer, and access to personalised care for people with Lynch syndrome.

Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)
This project aims to develop an integrated pathway that enables all families affected with SCD to access genomic testing on stored tissues and DNA when SCD is suspected.