East Genomic Medicine Service Alliance (GMSA) has been set up to ensure all eligible patients across the East Midlands and East of England can access and benefit from appropriate genomic tests when required, ensuring high-quality and personalised treatment.
Covering the same catchment area as East Genomic Laboratory Hub, the East GMSA will bring together the vital multi-disciplinary clinical leadership and other operational and digital functions that are necessary to embed genomic medicine into mainstream clinical care.
The East GMSA is led by a Partnership Board representative of the four NHS Trust Alliance Partners that have direct responsibility for delivering the service. The four partners are: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (opens in a new tab), University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (opens in a new tab) and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. (opens in a new tab)

Ensuring equal access for all
The East GMSA will ensure there is equal access to the nationally commissioned genomic tests set out in the National Genomics Test Directory (opens in a new tab), no matter where people live or which hospital they use. Our team will support the establishment of testing pathways for cancer and rare diseases, help enable clinicians to request genomic tests, introduce new models of care that support early access to genomic testing and understand where there are areas of unmet need.
Working closely with East Genomic Laboratory Hub together with healthcare professionals, networks, alliances, academia and patients and public representatives across the East Midlands and East of England, we will build awareness and trust in genomics. We will provide clinical and scientific leadership to enable all staff across the NHS to use genomics safely, effectively and efficiently. We will create a learning environment to support the rapid adoption and spread of scientific advances.
Patient voice
Patient representatives will be present on our partnership and leadership boards as these establish over the coming months and will play a key role in decision-making across each region and nationally through coordination with NHS England and NHS Improvement.